Additional Services
Verifier offers a number of additional security solutions, ideal for augmenting your existing security system.
Video Analytics
Simply put, minimising false alarms whilst showing the cause of alarms without the need for beams and passives is a major win.
Used to increase accuracy, differentiate causes of alarms, and decreases false alarms, Video Analytics combines traditional CCTV camera monitoring with Advanced Artificial Intelligence software, that can learn and improve over time, based on pre-selected criteria.
A.I systems can accurately alert us to suspicious activity to prevent crimes from occurring, and can help cover gaps in existing systems.
Alarm/ Fire Monitoring
Effective alarm/ fire monitoring remains a core security component for every household or property. While many households have conventional alarm monitoring systems in place, the question to ask is what type of alarm monitoring would best suit your property?
Verifier provides free integrated alarm monitoring for all CCTV monitored clients.
Access Control/ Biometrics.
Ideal for retail, commercial and residential applications, Verifier provides early warning systems with Biometrics for access control.
Modern Artificial Intelligence services can accurately differentiate between several detection categories, such as Human, Animal and Vehicle. What if you could take this state-of-the-art technology one step further?
Using AI to recognise blacklisted individuals upon entry to a property, and addressing the issue in a timely manner, is of great importance to any businesses.