Without effective management of the smart technology and BMS infrastructure you have invested in, what’s the point of even investing in it?
Of course there are benefits from having the technology, but every time the technology tells you there is an issue or opportunity and the message doesn’t reach the correct person to action it, like a game of broken telephone, the message gets blurred.
Time is taken to unscramble the message, and by that point the time to prevent an issue from growing has passed. An expensive car is just an expensive air conditioner at the end of the day if you can’t drive it out the parking lot!
We’ll be your driving instructor, chauffer, whatever you need to get your facilities engines revving and help you get to where you want to be. Avoid the duplication of tasks, avoid the double handling of tasks that unnecessarily extend the time between issue identified and task executed.
With each separate service provider needed to address disparate systems comes hidden costs, and time costs associated with coordinating the various moving parts. Continuing with the car metaphor, would you get your brakes, brake pads, lights, air filters, oil, and service all done at separate places when it’s more efficient and often cost effective to address it at the same time and place?
Maximise your ROI through efficient service delivery. You’re already paying for it, it may as well run smoothly! Let us be your PropTech Operationalisation Partner!